
The new Minister of Family in Poland appeared wearing a t-shirt with an explicit anti-Christian message. Strong reactions from society

The new Minister of Family in Poland faces fierce reactions after being pictured wearing a t-shirt. It depicts an image of a woman shielding herself from Christian crucifixes with an umbrella. The photograph fuels fears of anti-Christian sentiment in the new left-leaning liberal government, according to Remix News.

Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk, the new Minister of Family, Labor, and Social Policy in the Polish government led by Donald Tusk, wore the controversial t-shirt during a past photo shoot. The image prompted journalist Sławomir Jastrzębowski to highlight her hypocrisy. He suggested that if the crosses were replaced with the Star of David or a crescent, the minister would have been immediately dismissed.

His comments reflect concerns about double standards in the treatment of religious symbols. Przemysław Czarnek, a former head of the Ministry of Education, questioned Agnieszka’s ability as a family minister. He argued that her t-shirt is evidence of Christianophobia. He also speculated on the public’s reaction if the clothing featured Jewish or Muslim symbols.

Poland’s new Minister of Family, a proponent of secularism

In a 2020 interview with Wysokie Obcasy, Dziemianowicz-Bąk, then a left-wing deputy, stated that she is not anti-Christian. However, she emphasized her support for the state’s secularism. She noted that her fight is not against the Catholic Church but against pathologies within it. She also highlighted the Church’s role in cases of pedophilia crimes. Agnieszka stated that it’s the state’s responsibility to protect its citizens, including holding accountable those who harm them, such as priests.

Additionally, she criticized the state for allowing the Catholic Church to significantly involve itself in citizens’ lives. She claimed that governmental authorities have encouraged this over the years.

Her stance underscores a broader debate in Poland about the Church’s role in public life and the state’s relationship with religious institutions.


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