
Young nationalists in Romania are commemorating the martyrs of the December 1989 Revolution

The members of the Identitarian Community in Cluj-Napoca haven’t forgotten the heroes of the anti-communist revolution of December 1989. At the monument dedicated to these heroes, traditionalist youth lit candles and said prayers for the souls of those who fought and died for the freedom and dignity of the Romanian nation. They displayed a painted banner in memory of those who fell then, with the message: “Honor your anti-communist heroes!”

Unfortunately, the anti-communist revolution was hijacked by former members of the Communist Party, led by Ion Iliescu, and was reduced to a revolt against the Ceaușescu dictatorship. Romania is still ruled by former communists, their children, or their apprentices. While communism, an ideology and regime that killed hundreds of thousands of Romanians and destroyed the country, remains legal, there are numerous laws considered anti-Romanian and anti-nationalist, supposedly aimed at combating discrimination. The country is still full of Bolshevik monuments, many of them dedicated to Soviet soldiers (meaning criminals, violators, thieves, and occupiers). Even in the Heroes Cemetery of Cluj, there stands a monument of a Soviet tank, near the graves of those shot on December 21, 1989. In Western Europe, a new USSR has arisen, the European Union, which since 2007 has included Romania, practically losing the sovereignty of the country. Romania’s youth is infected and corrupted by the degeneration promoted by cultural Marxism.

In this context, in these dark times, the example of those who sacrificed themselves for a Romania free from communism remains relevant. Even though the events of 1989 meant only a partial victory, overshadowed by the “former” communists who overnight transformed into democrats, we have the duty to honor and respect those who fell for a noble cause. We must carry forward their ideals, fight against any form of communism, and strongly believe that only nationalism can save Romania!

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