
Tim Scott: “The Republican primary race is already over; Time to Unite Behind Trump”

Tim Scott: Declares the Republican Primary Race is Over, Calls for Unity Behind Trump

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), who officially endorsed former President Donald Trump, asserted during an interview on Breitbart News Saturday that the Republican primary race is “already over.” Scott emphasized the need for a strong president to restore law and order and ignite the economy. He expressed his endorsement for Trump, citing Trump’s proven experience as commander-in-chief and highlighting his historic support in key states.

Scott criticized President Joe Biden, stating that he lacks the understanding to run the economy, stand up to adversaries, and commit to allies. While acknowledging friendships with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Scott emphasized the importance of having an experienced commander-in-chief. He pointed to Trump’s track record, noting that during Trump’s presidency, Russia did not invade Ukraine, and allies in the Middle East felt secure.

According to Scott, the race is effectively over, and he called on Republicans to unite behind Trump. He urged the party to focus on eliminating Joe Biden by electing Donald Trump, citing Trump’s strong support in various polls. Scott emphasized the need for Republicans to rally around Trump and work towards restoring hope and unity in the nation under Trump’s leadership.


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