
Soros’s Ghost Haunts Belgrade

Thousands of Serbians took to the streets of central Belgrade on Saturday amidst globalist media applause. It marked the 13th consecutive rally since the announcement of the legislative and local election results, which showed the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) of President Aleksandar Vucic, in power since 2012, securing 46% of the votes compared to the opposition coalition’s 23.5%, as reported by AFP via Agerpres.

In an attempt to give a negative connotation, AFP deemed it fitting to label the SNS as a “right-wing nationalist” party.

The same globalist media overlooked the ongoing 58-day protests against the socialist government in Spain.

In Serbia, it’s reported that the opposition, united under the umbrella of “Serbia Against Violence,” which violently attacked the Belgrade City Hall in recent days, has contested these election results, citing numerous irregularities. They claim that “Bosnian Serbs were illegally allowed to come and vote in the capital.”

A new Soros-style organization, ProGlas, rallied “celebrities, intellectuals, progressive artists” to call for new protests “against fraud.” They were joined by students transported by raft. Another group, “Against Violence,” abbreviated as “Borba” (Struggle), managed to block a street in downtown Belgrade, followed by the installation of tents on the road.

On Saturday, the crowd openly cheered the opposition leader, Marinika Tepic, who, during her hunger strike since December 18, “needed assistance to get on stage” and to cross the street.

“The only thing I can tell you is that everything has already been said. These elections need to be annulled,” she declared before heading to the hospital and announcing the end of her hunger strike. At least now, she can have a good New Year’s Eve meal before continuing the protests.

Nevertheless, today sees a repeat vote in 35 polling stations where irregularities were reported. The OSCE mission declared the elections as 93% fair.


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