
The Romanian Government approved on Friday a contingent of 100,000 foreign workers newly admitted to the labor market in 2024

Government spokesperson Mihai Constantin stated that this decision was made following consultations with trade unions and employers’ associations, considering the assessment of employment visa requests from the beginning of the year until now, as well as the number of job vacancies declared by employers, focusing on the private sector.

“A contingent of 100,000 foreign workers newly admitted to the labor market in 2024 has been approved. It’s a decision made following consultations with trade unions and employers’ associations, considering the assessment of the number of employment visa requests from the beginning of the year until now, as well as the number of job vacancies declared by employers, particularly in the private sector,” said Mihai Constantin, the government spokesperson, at Victoria Palace, after the Cabinet meeting, according to Agerpres.

He emphasized that the cap of 100,000 foreign workers is similar to the current year, mentioning that 80,375 permits have been issued so far, while 9,748 requests are still being processed.

“It’s a similar number to 2022, it’s around 100,000, and it’s been assessed for the upcoming year. However, it represents an increase compared to 2021 when there were almost 50,000 such approved requests,” Constantin added.

The Government’s decision comes as Romania continues to attract foreign labor to meet economic needs and fill vacant job positions.


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