
Alleged Victim of Jeffrey Epstein Claims He Told Her Former President Bill Clinton ‘Likes Them Young’

An individual who claimed to be a victim of Jeffrey Epstein alleged that the convicted sex offender mentioned former President Bill Clinton’s preference for young girls. The statement surfaced from a document dated May 2016, where Johanna Sjoberg testified about her recruitment by Epstein for a massage therapist role.

According to the Daily Mail, the document quotes Sjoberg recounting Epstein’s comment, claiming that he mentioned, “‘Clinton likes them young, referring to girls.'”

The newly released documents, containing mentions of Clinton around 50 times, provoked a response from a spokesperson for the former president. The spokesperson, speaking to CNN, emphasized that Clinton was unaware of Epstein’s heinous acts when they associated, asserting that it has been almost two decades since their last contact.

However, the documents contradicted a statement from Epstein’s confidante, Ghislaine Maxwell, who denied hosting Clinton on Epstein’s Caribbean island. Maxwell did acknowledge Clinton’s travels on Epstein’s private plane, dubbed the “Lolita Express,” stating, “‘The allegation that Clinton had a meal on Jeffrey’s island is 100 percent false. I’m sure he had a meal on Jeffrey’s plane.'”

Maxwell was further questioned about her ties with Doug Band, a lawyer assisting Clinton post-presidency. Band had accompanied Clinton during encounters with Epstein, including a 2002 trip to Africa on Epstein’s private jet alongside individuals like Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker.

Photographs from that trip depicted Clinton receiving a massage from Chauntae Davies, an Epstein victim working as a flight attendant on the jet. Following the trip, Clinton praised Epstein as a ‘highly successful financier and a committed philanthropist.’

While Maxwell refrained from confirming a “romantic” relationship with Band, she did admit to knowing him.


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