
How “Criminal” Was the Legionnaire Movement?

The Jews, unrelenting enemies of the Legionnaires, have always claimed that the Legionnaire Movement is a criminal, Nazi, and antisemitic Movement. That all three claims are blatant lies is not news to those who know the history of the Movement. Unfortunately, they are too few.

Today, we aim to establish as objectively as possible how criminal the Legionnaire Movement was. We will conduct a mathematical analysis of this aspect, still not fully understood, from the history of the Movement, as well as that of the Romanian people.

On the Businessday.ro website, a statistic about the evolution of crime in Romania between 1997 and 2007 was published on August 25, 2009. Here is a fragment of this article that interests us greatly:

“The number of individuals convicted for murder (in Romania) was 756 in 2007, compared to nearly 1500 in 1997.

Firstly, for simplicity, we will consider the number of those convicted for murder as equal to the number of victims, although it is not correct to assume that the number of criminals must exactly coincide with that of victims. In the absence of other statistics, we consider this approximation acceptable. We will also consider all developments over time as linear events. Thus, between 1997 and 2007, in 10 years, on average, in Romania were killed:

(1500+756)/2 = 1128 people.

If we consider, for simplification, that Romania had 20 million inhabitants during this period, it results that in one year, per hundred thousand inhabitants, there were 1128 crimes committed in total, divided by 10 to find the number of crimes per year and divided once again by 20 to find the number of crimes per year per hundred thousand inhabitants, i.e., 10×20=200.

1128 / 200 = 5.6 crimes committed in Romania per year per hundred thousand inhabitants during the mentioned period.

The Legion started from its establishment in 1927 with six members and, by 1941, in 13 years, reached one million members. During this period, the legionaries (not the Legion!) committed the following attacks: against Duca, Stelescu, Armand Călinescu, Iorga*, Madgearu, and against the 64 criminals arrested at Jilava, totaling 69 people.

(To clarify the mathematical operation below, I’ll make a comparison with a car reaching a speed of 100 km/h in ten seconds. Its average speed is (0 +100) divided by 2, thus being 50 km/h. Similarly, if the Legion started with 6 members and reached 1 million members after 13 years, then an average of 500,000 members can be considered during that period.)

(69/5) gives as a result the number of crimes per hundred thousand legionnaires from 1927 to 1941, i.e., over a period of 13 years. The arithmetic result is (69/5)/13 = 1.062, crimes, calculated per year and per hundred thousand legionnaires.

So, the Legion had a crime rate throughout its existence that was five times lower than the average crime rate in Romania during the 2000s. But because this seemed too little even for the Jews, they invented the Abattoir Crimes, later proven to be the lowest kind of lies, just as the soap made from the Jews detained in camps was a lie.

Let us now see the situation until the killing of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu when not just anyone joined the Legion and the vigilant eye of the Captain ensured the enforcement of legionary laws without the slightest deviation! Between 1927 and 1938, only two crimes occurred: the victims were Duca and Stelescu. If we consider that, statistically, during this 11-year period, on average, only two hundred thousand legionnaires were enlisted in the Legion, the crime rate is:

(2/2) /11 years = 0.09 crimes per year per hundred thousand legionnaires. Therefore, 60 times fewer crimes than those committed in Romania in the 2000s.

This little arithmetic exercise proves several things beyond doubt:

  1. That the Legionnaires were far from being considered criminals.
  2. That the Legionnaire Doctrine is a Christian and humane one.
  3. That the Legion, under Codreanu’s leadership, was an organization where crime had no place. When it did occur, it was a phenomenon assumed, at a crime rate so low that it would be an impossible goal for today’s Romanian society to achieve.
  4. The filth spread about the Legion as a paramilitary criminal movement is baseless manipulation, unsupported by facts.
  5. That the Romanian people, subjected to aggression on all fronts—economic, cultural, heritage, social, political, educational, moral—lost some of their vitality and consciousness, requiring urgent educational measures for rehabilitation.
  6. Spreading Legionnaire discipline and education among the nation would also lead to a decrease in the crime rate, alongside raising the consciousness of the citizens. It follows that it is the duty of any conscious Romanian to know and spread the Legionnaire Doctrine and actions, for the good of the nation. It is the duty of each of us to make known the doctrine and actions of the Legion, in the light of truth. We cannot accept that the Movement (and implicitly the Romanian people) be accused of being a criminal organization when the Jews kill thousands of civilians, children, women, and men indiscriminately in Gaza, with the intention of wiping the Palestinian people off the face of the earth.
  7. The apex of the Legionnaire Movement was reached in 1938, the year of the Captain’s death. After him, the Movement began to decline, discipline decreased, admission criteria into the Legion were relaxed, it was infiltrated by all kinds of spies and communist agents, and its best leaders (almost 300 in number) were executed without trial by Carol’s executioners.
  8. Legionnaire discipline must be ironclad.

I must make a clarification. Many of the “Legionnaire crimes” were, in fact, the punishment of scoundrels who had on their conscience the unlawful killing of honorable men without trial, such as Gavrilă Marinescu, Popescu-Marinaru from Constanţa, Armand Călinescu, Sergeant Sârbu, Major Dinulescu—namely, all 64 criminals arrested and detained at Jilava, when Antonescu’s justice did not hasten to punish the criminals. Moreover, Stelescu was not only a traitor but also plotted the killing of the Captain, which brought him the deserved punishment. All traitors should end up this way.

There is also a legal basis for punishing scoundrels and traitors, included in the Declaration of Independence of the United States, adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776. This declaration states that: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

  • Some sources say that Iorga was assassinated by a commando of Soviet agents disguised as legionnaires.

translated from Incorect Politic


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