
The Legionary Movement, soul from the heart of the nation

The Legionary Doctrine, presented in its most concise form in the “Chief of the Nest’s Booklet,” is, through its six laws and two legionary concerns, an ethical and moral code of infinite value.

They were able to ban the Legionary symbol “Gardul” or “Garda” and the Legionary salute, a salute unrelated to the Nazi salute because it was used by Transylvanian Romanians long before, as a means to show non-natives that Romanians are the oldest people who have always lived in the Transylvanian lands. A photograph from 1909 featuring a young Romanian wrapped with the tricolor sash, reproduced in a newspaper from Arad, is telling evidence of this truth.

However, Bolsheviks and traitors to the country don’t need arguments when they receive orders from the Occult to ban a movement they fear greatly, as it’s the only one in the world they couldn’t corrupt or buy. And no one can ban the Legionary doctrine.

Below are the laws and concerns that a legionary had to religiously follow:

The Six Legionary Laws:

  1. The law of discipline: be disciplined, for only thus will you conquer. Follow your leader in good times and in hard times.
  2. The law of work: work. Work every day. Work with joy. The reward for your work should not be just the gain, but the satisfaction of having contributed a brick to the elevation of the Legion and the flourishing of Romania.
  3. The law of silence: speak little. Speak what needs to be spoken. Speak as much as necessary. Your oration is the oration of action. Act; let others speak.
  4. The law of education: you must become someone else. A hero. Make your whole school within the nest. Know the Legion well.
  5. The law of help: help your fallen brother in misfortune. Do not abandon them.
  6. The law of honor: walk only on the paths of honor. Fight, never be despicable. Leave the ways of infamy to others. It’s better to fall fighting on the path of honor than to win through infamy.

The Two Concerns: First concern: PUNCTUALITY. If the nest leader sets the meeting for 9 o’clock, then everyone must arrange their affairs so as not to arrive too early or too late. No one should make another wait. A legionary must keep their word. When you say something, stick to it. The country is full of those who say many words but never stick to them. Think well before promising something. If you believe you can’t, say it outright, as it’s more honorable.

Second concern: A GOOD HEART. When a legionary comes to the nest, they must have a good heart. They should not come with thoughts of discord or malice, as there should be no quarrels in the nest. When a legionary feels the urge for discord, they should intervene among enemies.

Great and good things are done with a good heart because where there is a good heart, there is God, and where the heart is bad, the devil has entered. Therefore, where there is a bad heart, nothing flourishes. Everything goes wrong. About the person who steps with a bad heart, it is said that not even dolls grow in their fields.

Thus, there is nothing subversive, criminal, or anti-state in these simple laws, with universal value.

Codreanu’s genius did not lie in imposing new and original laws but in synthesizing the highest moral landmarks of the authentic Romanian, as they are by nature, still unperverted by the adversities of history. In other words, the Legionary doctrine is the purest and cleanest expression of the Romanian soul.

This means that this doctrine does not exclusively belong to the legion; it should also be present in other works by authentic representatives of Romanian literature, with a love for their people and country. I have no doubt that this doctrine can be found in the works of Eminescu. Here is where those who have been studying Eminescu’s work all their lives could step in. However, I stopped at a famous work, considered an educational and moral masterpiece, which was taught in my time at school. I am referring to “Teachings of Neagoe Basarab, to his son Theodosie,” written before 1521, the year of the death of the Wallachian voivode who left a legacy to the nation and the architectural masterpiece at Curtea de Arges. In this work, one can find all the Legionary laws and concerns.

Here is a comparative analysis of the laws from Codreanu’s Booklet (notated briefly as CSC) and the corresponding “teachings” from Neagoe’s work (notated INB), placed side by side:

About the Law of Work: (CSC) Work. Work every day. Work with joy. The reward for your work should not be just the gain, but the satisfaction of having contributed a brick to the elevation of the Legion and the flourishing of Romania.

(INB) Work with your hands, for idleness brings death to the soul. And whoever is lazy even a little becomes the dwelling place of demons.

About the Law of Education: (CSC) You must become someone else. A hero. Make your whole school within the nest. Know the Legion well.

(INB) When you sit in your cell, concern yourself with these three things: prayer, learning, and manual labor. That is why I endeavor again, my lords, to remind you and renew ourselves within. (Correspondence with the “New Man” educated by the Legion).

About the Law of Silence: (CSC) Speak little. Speak what needs to be spoken. Speak as much as necessary. Your oration is the oration of action. Act; let others speak.

(INB) And the uneducated tongue merely roams, for it lacks inner goodness. Guard your tongue, for in doing so, you raise your mind towards God.

About the Law of Honor: (CSC) Walk only on the paths of honor. Fight, never be despicable. Leave the ways of infamy to others. It’s better to fall fighting on the path of honor than to win through infamy.

(INB) The Lord who judges justly is the true Lord and God’s anointed. Judge justly both the rich and the poor.

About the Law of Discipline: (CSC) Be disciplined, for only thus will you conquer. Follow your leader in good times and in hard times.

(INB) If you are diligent, organize your flock well so that none may be overfed while others starve.

About the Law of Help: (CSC) Help your fallen brother in misfortune. Do not abandon them.

(INB) Show compassion to the poor and the needy, so that you may find your wealth in heaven.

About the Concern for a Good Heart: (CSC) When a legionary comes to the nest, they must have a good heart. They should not come with thoughts of discord or malice, as there should be no quarrels in the nest. When a legionary feels the urge for discord, they should intervene among enemies.

(INB) Kindness brings purity, but quick anger brings suffering. A hardened heart breeds anger, while restraint brings tranquility.

About drinking and drunkenness: (CSC) The legionary must be moderate in all things. For example, no leader or legionary can be conceived drunk. A legionary can celebrate, but not get drunk.

(INB) Know and be wary, for excessive eating and drinking, and meddling in worldly affairs prevent one from reaching their potential. Excessive drinking brings great evils.

In other words, the Legionary doctrine is written in our genetic code and cannot be erased from there.

It took a teacher like Zelea Codreanu to bring out this genetic code in the consciousness of a million Romanians. What they achieved is, according to a great man’s saying, the greatest achievement of the Romanian people in the 20th century.

If we manage to bring back this spirit in as many Romanians as possible, we will become so powerful that nothing in the world can deviate us from the great work that lies ahead of us: to make Romania a country as beautiful as the holy sun in the sky, strong and God-loving.

translated from Incorect Politic


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