
The official data from the United States indicates that mRNA vaccines have caused an unprecedented 55% increase in cases of physical disabilities among working-age women

According to recently published data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, over a million women of working age have developed disabilities since the launch of mRNA vaccines, as reported by The Defender.

Historically, employed Americans have been among the healthiest groups in the population. However, since the launch of the Covid vaccine in 2020, a significant number of individuals in the working-age population have developed disabilities.

Since February 2021, both men and women (aged 16 to 64) have reported disabilities at an increasing rate. Women have been the most affected. From February 2021 to November 2023, the number of women of working age reporting disabilities increased by an unprecedented 55% – from 2.1 million to 3.2 million women. This unprecedented increase in disability cases has sent shockwaves through the insurance industry, marking a reversal of decades-long trends in disability and excess deaths.

The latest report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics for November 2023 shows that approximately 299,000 non-working Americans (aged 16 and over) reported disabilities. In the same month, an additional 199,000 employed Americans aged 16 and over joined the growing group of people with disabilities.

These increases in self-reported disabilities (with and without compensation) have continued since June 2023. The upward trend began in February 2021 when 5,961 Americans aged 16 and over reported having a disability. By August 2021, this number had increased by 42%, reaching 8,477 people reporting disabilities. Although the self-reported disability rate decreased only slightly in November of that year, by 1%, the number of people reporting disabilities has continued to rise at unprecedented rates since November 2021.

In the Pfizer post-market data (5.3.6), which includes 450,000 pages of internal injury reports in the first ten weeks after the vaccine’s launch, women were affected three times more often than men. In the first ten weeks, there were 42,086 “relevant cases” of adverse events from the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. These adverse events were experienced by 29,914 women and 9,182 men. In the internal reports, 1,223 people (2.9%) died.

1.4 million excess disabilities reported from February 2021 to December 2022

Ed Dowd, the author of the book “Unknown Causes: The Sudden Death Epidemic in 2021 and 2022,” was one of the first to observe the shocking increase in disabilities and deaths following the launch of the Covid vaccine.

In a study covering the period from February 2021 to December 2022, Ed Dowd found “an increase of approximately 1,400,000 disabilities in the civilian workforce aged 16 to 64, while there were about 300,000 excess deaths (in the 25-64 age group) during that period.” Dowd believes that ongoing updates to the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine will continue to poison the population and bring disability and excess death statistics to an even higher figure in 2024, especially among working-age adults aged 25 to 64.


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