
Don’t Sleep with Your Mobile Phone Next to Your Head Anymore! The Danger Is Enormous

Prof. Dr. Vlad Ciurea provides clarifications regarding the level of danger associated with the habit of sleeping with a mobile phone next to the bed. How risky is this behavior? It is a significant mistake to sleep with a mobile phone near the head, according to the renowned neurosurgeon Vlad Ciurea. He draws attention to the radiation emitted by the phone.

He stated that it is advisable to keep the phone at a distance, avoiding exposure to these radiations.

According to him, those who keep the phone next to the bed wake up less rested than those who keep it at a greater distance.

In cases where we cannot keep the phone in another room, it would be beneficial to place it at least 3-4 meters away, according to statements made by Professor Dr. Vlad Ciurea on RomaniaTV.

The danger associated with mobile phone radiation

The doctor had previously addressed this issue. He highlighted the danger associated with the radiation emitted by the phone.

Vlad Ciurea mentioned that it is proven that the phone emits radiation. According to him, there are various experiments confirming this aspect. He emphasized that the phone unquestionably emits radiation and, undoubtedly, poses risks.

The phone emits radiation and is dangerous

“It certainly emits radiation, and it is certainly dangerous! We must keep it at a distance,” he said in another TV intervention.

According to Vlad Ciurea, it is essential to keep the phone at a distance. The device is best placed on a table, not close to the heart.

The renowned doctor said that there are different ways to stay connected to the phone for talking.

He also addressed the issue of talking in the car. Dr. Vlad Ciurea pointed out that we can answer calls using the hands-free function without touching the phone.

Under no circumstances, he emphasized, is it advisable to sleep with the mobile phone in bed at night.

Tips from Dr. Vlad Ciurea on how to care for the brain

During his intervention on Romania TV, Professor Dr. Vlad Ciurea also offered advice on how to care for the brain to protect it from neurological diseases for as long as possible. He stated that it is important to diversify activities and not let everything go in a single direction.

The brain benefits from a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, seeds, berries, honey, and natural sugar. Avoiding sugar addiction is crucial, and hard-to-digest meat protein is not beneficial for the brain.

He said that salt, white sugar, and white flour are considered dangerous for the brain. These affect nerve cells. He mentioned that water is essential for the brain, and a more alkaline pH can have benefits for it.

“I advocate for more alkaline water, to modify the pH in the brain,” explained Professor Vlad Ciurea.


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