
Peter Doocy Raises Concerns About Possible COVER-UP of Biden’s Health

Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy responded to the disclosure that the Pentagon had concealed details of the Defense Secretary’s cancer treatment by questioning the possibility of a cover-up regarding Biden’s health.

Only recently did the public learn, weeks after the fact, that Lloyd Austin was admitted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on December 22 for prostate cancer treatment.

According to the hospital, Austin underwent a “minimally invasive surgical procedure called a prostatectomy to treat and cure prostate cancer.”

However, the Pentagon only disclosed this information yesterday, following days of speculation and criticism. During a press conference, Doocy pressed National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby on the matter, demanding to know, “Why should we believe anything this administration tells us about anything ever again?”

Kirby acknowledged that the Pentagon faced a “credibility challenge” by not promptly revealing the details of Austin’s treatment.

Doocy retorted by asking, “If the administration is willing to go to such great lengths to keep secrets about the defense secretary’s health, how can anybody be certain that the administration would not go to the same lengths to keep secret problems with President Biden’s health in the future?”

Kirby began another vague response, hinting that he wouldn’t directly address the question, to which Doocy replied, “He’s 81 years old.”

The former admiral then admitted he didn’t know why information about Austin’s health wasn’t “shared,” but still insisted that it wasn’t a deliberate cover-up.

As highlighted yesterday, JP Morgan Asset Management strategist Michael Cembalest predicted that Joe Biden would withdraw from the 2024 election due to poor health.

Biden appeared disoriented upon arriving in Delaware for a speech this past weekend, needing assistance off the stage by his wife. This appearance seemed to be his only activity in over a fortnight.


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